La Biblioteca Sant Gervasi-Joan Maragall ha sido elegida Finalista en los Premios Architizer A+ Awards (Nueva York) en la categoría de bibliotecas. Además, existe la posibilidad de que podáis elegirlo con vuestro voto online para ganar el A+ Popular Choice Awards hasta el próximo viernes 3 de abril.
Quieres votar al proyecto como tu favorito? Clica este link: Architizer A+ Popular Choice
The Library Sant Gervasi-Joan Maragall in Barcelona has been chosen as Finalist for the Architizer A+ Awards (New York) in the libraries category. In addition, there is the possibility that you may vote as public for it to win the A+ Popular Choice Awards until next Friday April 3rd.
Do you want to vote the project as your favorite? Click this link: Architizer A+ Popular Choice
Quieres votar al proyecto como tu favorito? Clica este link: Architizer A+ Popular Choice
The Library Sant Gervasi-Joan Maragall in Barcelona has been chosen as Finalist for the Architizer A+ Awards (New York) in the libraries category. In addition, there is the possibility that you may vote as public for it to win the A+ Popular Choice Awards until next Friday April 3rd.
Do you want to vote the project as your favorite? Click this link: Architizer A+ Popular Choice
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