El CAP Dr.Pujol i Capsada al Prat de Llobregat es publica al llibre I·Hospital & Welfare per l'editorial especialitzada Archiworld amb seu a Corea.
El projecte va consistir en la construcció del nou CAP, un senzill volum unitari emplaçat ortogonalment respecte l’edifici existent i la rehabilitació de l’antic edifici existent.
The Primary healthcare center Dr.Pujol i Capsada at El Prat de Llobregat has just been published in the book I·Hospital & Welfare by the Archiworld specialized publishing house based in Korea.
The project consisted of the construction of the new PHC, a simple unitary volume placed orthogonally with respect to the existing building and the restoration of the old building.

The project consisted of the construction of the new PHC, a simple unitary volume placed orthogonally with respect to the existing building and the restoration of the old building.

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