La Biblioteca Sant Gervasi - Joan Maragall recibió ayer noche la Mención del Jurado de los Premios Beyond Building Barcelona CONSTRUMAT 2015 a la Innovación, Sostenibilidad y Obra Social en la categoría de Edificación. El acto tuvo lugar en las instalaciones de Roca Gallery Barcelona. David Baena y Toni Casamor recogieron el premio de las manos de Josep Miarnau Presidente del salón Beyond Building Barcelona CONSTRUMAT.
Gracias al Jurado y a todo el equipo que ha intervenido en el proyecto y obra!
The Library Sant Gervasi - Joan Maragall has received last night the Jury Mention Award of the 2015 Beyond Building Barcelona CONSTRUMAT AWARDS for Innovation, Sustainability and Social Development, in the Building category. The event took place at the premises of Roca Gallery Barcelona. David Baena and Toni Casamor collected the award from the hands of Josep Miarnau President of Beyond Building Barcelona CONSTRUMAT trade fair.
Thanks to the Jury and the whole team that has been involved in the project and work!

Gracias al Jurado y a todo el equipo que ha intervenido en el proyecto y obra!
The Library Sant Gervasi - Joan Maragall has received last night the Jury Mention Award of the 2015 Beyond Building Barcelona CONSTRUMAT AWARDS for Innovation, Sustainability and Social Development, in the Building category. The event took place at the premises of Roca Gallery Barcelona. David Baena and Toni Casamor collected the award from the hands of Josep Miarnau President of Beyond Building Barcelona CONSTRUMAT trade fair.
Thanks to the Jury and the whole team that has been involved in the project and work!

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