Biblioteca Sant Gervasi-Joan Maragall. Barcelona
Adél Sághegyi és una estudiant hongaresa que ha realitzat pràctiques durant quasi vuit mesos a BCQ i ha estat molt amable de compartir amb nosaltres aquest treball infogràfic per a la seva Universitat sobre la seva experiència d'aprenentatge i col·laboració a l'estudi.
"L'estil de la gràfica era lliure, sense cap tipus de límits. Vaig tractar d'interpretar com els dibuixos poden convertir-se en realitat, com una explosió de la realitat sobre el blanc i negre i les línies digitals."

Per Adél Sághegyi
Estudiant d'arquitectura
Voleu llegir i veure més sobre aquest treball?
From September of 2015, I was an intern in BCQ Arquitectura for almost 8 months. I was studying in the same time in Hungary, on my master degree of Architecture at the University of Pécs.
One of my university tasks was to create an infographic about BCQ, with the most important moments of the office and some schemes of the highlighted buildings they designed. The style of the graphic was free, without any boundaries. I tried to interpret how the drawings can come to real, like an explosion of the reality over the monochrome and digital lines.
The timeline includes all of the awards of the office, divided into years from the foundation to nowadays.
The other part shows the most important built projects of BCQ, for example, Port Marina Forum, Joan Maragall Library in Barcelona and the Municipal Sport Hall of Girona.
I hope I could show the versatility of BCQ with my infographics, and support their work while I was working with them. It was a great pleasure for me and a nice experience.
I wish the office a lot more important projects, success, recognitions and awards!

Oficines per a la Tresoreria de la Seguretat Social. Barcelona

12 Habitatges a Badalona

Pavelló d'esports d'Olot. Girona

Port Fòrum Barcelona 2004
Totes les infografies per Adél Sághegyi.
All infographics by Adél Sághegyi.
All infographics by Adél Sághegyi.
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